Gattopardo, Il

Three balls in a week
are too many.

l hope it all ends soon.
What are they all so happy about ?

May l have my hairpins ?
l'm so bored !
These invitations compel us
to stay in town.

l'm looking forward to going back
to the San Lorenzo villa,

where we can all lead our usual,
simple life.

Why ?
l wish this dance never ended.

lt's wonderful. l wonder what
the Trabia's dance will be like.

l ordered a green dress.
Light green.

What about you ?
l am so happy.
Tancredi's a darling.

You are all really nice to me.
- But l wish you were happier.
- What can l do about it ?

l don't like being
around too many people.

l don't even like dancing.
l've never been a good dancer.

lt depends
on the person you dance with.

- Look for someone you like.
- No, l don't care.

Do you have any idea how many young
men would like to court you ?

But you discourage them all.
As you did with poor Cavriaghi.
Remember ?

You treated him real bad !
There you are ! Finally !
- l couldn't find you anywhere !
- We fixed our make-up and hair.

- What about you ? - l was
listening to Col. Pallavicino.

He's not a genius, but he doesn't
talk nonsense either.

He's right, the new Kingdom
needs order, new laws.

Anarchists must be swept away.
We need no more riots.
