This ain't nothing.
Just leave her lay.
Let the buzzards have her.
No, I don't believe I will.
Before I go to bed,
I'll call the government man
and ask him to come out
and take a look at her.
Yeah, that's the stuff.
Bring some jellybean in here
to tell you how to run
your own business.
Only don't ask me
what I think from now on.
I'd like for you and Lon
to stay out here for a while.
I'll take these boys
back with me
so they can snooze a little.
Lon, you take that water bag
so you won't parch.
Honcho, why don't you sit up
with our sick friend here?
I got a healthy one in town
that won't wait.
Come on, hyah.
Hey! Hey!
Boy, it's a good thing
you showed up.
We blew a tire on the pickup,
and I got to get this stuff
back for dinner.
Need any help, there, Jesse?
I'm all right, Hud. Thanks.