Boy, I love that sound.
Goes right through me.
It scares the hell
out of the cattle.
Know what trains always
make me think about?
No, but I got a strong feeling
you're going to tell me.
I guess I just like
'em, that's all.
Well, golly.
Boy, just look at that
Las Vegas saddle.
You couldn't lift
that hunk of junk
on a horse with a crane.
Yeah, it is pretty noisy.
Where you think you're going?
-I'm just tagging along.
-Not with me, you ain't.
You go tie on a
couple of Dr Peppers.
I'll see ya.
Hey, come up here and
have a drink with us!
Come on, now!
Hi, Mr. Kirby.
Read that one?
Yeah, twice.
It's about the best book
you ever had
on your paperback stand.
Pretty steamy, ain't it?
Oh, I don't know.
People in it seem
a lot like the ones I see.
Did you read the part
where the sergeant gets her
for the first time?
Yeah, I read that part.