Hey, wake up.
Come on, Lonnie.
Open your eyes.
You going to stay here
till dinnertime?
What do you want?
I want you to get up.
I can't stay here
rasslin' around with you
all morning.
Why not? I kind of like it.
Yeah, I bet you do.
That's enough out of you.
Now, come on, get up.
Can't do that, Alma.
Are you sleeping
in the raw again?
Listen, I got two pair
of nice, ironed
cotton pajamas in there.
How come you're not using them?
I don't know, they strangle me.
Mm-hmm. Come on.
What do you sleep in?
In my own room,
with the door locked.
You ever wear any of those
little, uh, shorty things?
What kind of question is that?
Just wonder.
Does your mind usually run
in that direction?
Yeah, it seems to.
Boys with impure thoughts
come out in acne.
Did you know that?
Oh, that's all bull, Alma.
Keep it up, you'll see.
Hurry up.
The vet's coming
this morning.
Well, let's get away
from this stink.
I got all I need here.
Mr. Bannon...
I'm going to ask you
to get your cattle together,
all of them.
I'm going to have
to make an inspection.
An inspection for what?
Well, for what killed
that heifer.
I hope I'm wrong,
but I'm very much afraid
you got the worst kind
of trouble
a cattle man can have.
I think that cow died
of foot-and-mouth disease.
Oh, me.
I never thought
it'd be anything like that.
Well, let's have it.
What are we in for?
Well, y'all get
your herds together.