
We're going to have
to take some samples.

Bring in a few healthy calves
and a couple of
horses from outside,

infect them artificially,
and then...
just wait and see what happens.
I'll tell you what'll happen--
they turn up sick,
you kill them.

That's right, isn't it, mister?
If the calves turn up sick
and the horses don't,

it's foot-and-mouth--
you got to.

The last bad outbreak
in the United States,

the government had to kill
over 77,000 head of cattle,

plus that many sheep and goats.
Even 20,000 deer.
It's a terrible thing.
I just bought me 20 head
of Mexican cows down South.

Could they be the bad ones?
Uh, could be.
If there were, you're going
to have to get rid

of every cow that's been
in contact with them.

Well, you're talking about
all the animals I own.

I know I am.
I hope I'm wrong.
I hope it turns out
to be something else,

so we won't ever have
to talk about it again.

Looks like I landed in
the wrong place again.

Uh, you guys get on.
There's some fence to fix.

Yeah, how 'bout that?
You going to let them
shoot your cows

out from underneath you
on account of a
schoolbook disease?

You getting that old, Homer?
I wonder if a long quarantine
wouldn't satisfy him.

You think they'd agree to that?
Yeah, they don't have
to agree to nothing--

they're the law.
You can agree with them
till hell freezes over

for all the good
it'll do you.

Yeah, but that Mr. Burris
seemed like a reasonable man.

You think they'd come in here
and liquidate?

Hell, yeah, they'll liquidate,
you got what they say you got.
