All right, come on in.
They're a little squashed.
It's all right, they'll do.
Well, I see you got
things fixed up some.
I try.
Looks pretty good.
Except your sweet potato plant
over here has got the blight.
I can't seem
to get one started.
Well, they need a lot of
tender loving care, honey.
Same as the rest of us.
I'll keep it in mind.
Could I have a match?
Well, what do we got here?
portable hair dyer."
"...triple screen."
Automatic toaster.
What have you been doing?
A little rustling down
at the five and dime?
I go in for
those prize contests.
"How Shiny Shampoo
changed my life,
in 20 words or less."
You know, they give free
two-week trips to Europe.
But I end up with
the fountain pens
and the Japanese binoculars.
Yeah, won me
a turkey raffle once,
but it was fixed.
I got to be pretty
friendly with one
of 'em gals picking
the numbers.
It figures.
How much you take
the boys for tonight?
20 dollars
and some change.
You're a dangerous
woman to have around.
I'm a good poker player.
You're a good housekeeper.
You're a good cook,
you're a good laundress.
What else you good at?
At taking care of myself.
You shouldn't have to,
a woman looks like you do.
Oh, that's what
my ex-husband used to tell me...
before he took my wallet
and my gasoline credit card
and left me stranded
in a downtown motel
in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
What'd you do
to make him take to the hills?
You wear your curlers to bed
or something?
Ed's a gambler.