He's probably up at Vegas
or Reno right now,
dealing at night,
losing it all back
in the daytime.
Oh, well, a man like that
sounds no better than a heel.
Aren't you all?
Honey, don't go shooting
all the dogs
'cause one of them's got fleas.
I was married to Ed
for six years.
Only thing he was ever good for
was to scratch my back
where I couldn't reach it.
You still got that itch?
Off and on.
Well, let me know
when it gets to botherin' you.
Hep, hep, hep, hep, hep!
Hep, hep, hep, hep, hep!
Ya! Giddy! Ya! Ya!
Ya! Giddy! Ya!
Ya! Hep, hep, hep, hep!
Hep, hep! Ho!
Now, what we're doing,
Mr. Bannon,
is injecting
these cows and horses
with specimens that are
taken from your herd.
In three to six days,
we should know
what we want to know.
Move on in there!
Get in that chute!
Move on in there!
Ah-ha-ha-ha! Hey!
Go over there!
You all right, Lon?
she kicked you into the fence.
You skinned your head a little.