I Could Go on Singing

You remember? You promised me
three days in London.

Mr. Reynolds.
- Oh, say yes.
- Will you excuse me?

Yes, of course.
What are you talking about?

Miss Bowman's invited us to
the first night of her show...

for both of us.
Well, why not, David?
Best seats in the house
for you and Matt.

You're supposed to spend the
first week of your holiday...

in Canterbury with Aunt Beth,
and you know that.

Well, she won't mind.
I know she won't mind.

Please, Father.
You can buy me that
tape recorder you promised me.

I'd love to come and see you,
Miss Bowman. Make him say yes.

I don't seem to have
any choice, do I?

I don't think so.
I've got a lovely bunch
of coconuts

There they all hanging
in a row

Big ones, small ones
Some as big as your head
Give 'em a twist,
a flick of the wrist

That's what the showman said
I've got a lovely bunch
of coconuts

Every ball you throw
will make you rich

And there stands me wife
The idol of me life
Singing roll a bowl,
a ball a penny a pitch

- She's here.
- Yeah? How is she?

So smile.
Hi, darling.
Telegram from David Donne.

Urgent case.
Terribly sorry and all that.

Best of British luck
and everything, but...

In plain American,
he ain't comin'.

Well, what do we do,
deliver it?

You want to blow the show?
Yeah. I'll tell her it came
after she went on.

How do you feel, honey?
Hey, did you see 'em out front?

Cops on horseback.
You can't rate any higher.

- London's my lucky town.
- Any town's your lucky town.

I could live in London, George.
I really could.

I could settle here.
Any old iron, any old iron,
any, any...

George, you sent the tickets,
didn't you?
