Why, you little...
You're lucky I don't
take back that gold tooth!
I'm gonna come up there
and break your arm!
Oh, you are
Come on out, Tiger.
You want my friend here
to beat you up again?
You'll be hearing from me.
And stay away!
- You could beat him up again, right?
- Naturally.
It's just that I don't like to
pick on anybody who isn't my size.
How did you get mixed up with
a character like that, anyway?
Should've seen the one I had before.
He was not only mean...
...he used to run around with
other women, and on my money.
Why do you have to have anybody at all?
Everybody needs somebody.
Like Coquette needs me.
Who wants to be a stray dog?
You've got to belong to someone,
even if he kicks you once in a while.
- Don't you have any family?
- No.
My mother was a very successful woman.
She used to have the same spot
outside the hotel that I do.
Then one day she met a guy,
fell in love with him and quit.
- That's very romantic.
- Romantic? It's stupid.
Gave up her career - for what?
Some slob from the market...