- And he refused me.
- Refused the help of the gods?
What ship can sail that far?
What crew brave enough to sail her?
l shall tell the shipbuilders that
the richest cargo waits in Colchis.
That only the strongest ship
ever built will survive the voyage.
The athletes of Greece are proud.
Only the best will join me.
l shall announce the games.
lnvite the strongest of the Greeks.
No greater games shall ever be held.
Unless the gods decree otherwise.
l did well to choose you.
The gods are best served
by those who want their help least.
Welcome, Polydeuces.
Castor of Sparta.
Acastus of Thessaly.
Well done.
Phalerus of Athens,
champion archer of Greece.
Euphemos of Taenarum.
Spiros of Syracuse.
- Hercules!
- He's here!
l mean to sail with you.
Tell me which champion to beat.