- Don't waste it.
- lt won't make any difference.
Let him rest. We have to find water.
We can't row on three sips a day.
- Take my advice. Put back to lcos.
- We'll lose five days' sailing.
We haven't water enough for the time
it would take us to reach lcos.
Don't worry. He won't listen to me.
But l wish he'd listen to someone.
Still grumbling?
Sailors always grumble.
They have something to grumble
about. No water, blistered hands.
They should use brine.
lt toughens the skin.
Go treat them. l'll steer.
Hera ... you said you'd help me
a certain number of times.
- You've told me about Colchis.
- And I threw PeIias from his horse.
So that was King Pelias.