Jason, will you abandon Hercules,
the best man among us?
- l won't sail without him.
- Nor shall l.
Nor l!
Come with me.
ls there any man here
who does not obey the gods?
We will do as the goddess Hera
commands. lf she will speak to us.
This is your Iast chance, Jason.
The Iast time that I can heIp you.
- l understand.
- Then know this. HyIas is dead.
HercuIes is not fated
to go further with the Argo.
- Zeus has other tasks for him.
- And for us, Hera?
SaiI to Phrygia.
Seek out Phineas, the bIinded man.
OnIy he can guide you now.
We set sail.
Come on, back to your places!
Come on, back to your places.