Here you are, you hungry fellow.
A big fish for you and more wine.
- We've done our part now.
- What do you want to know?
- The way to Colchis.
- lt's through the Clashing Rocks.
Steer north-west
and you'll reach them in five days.
Turn north-east after the Clashing
Rocks. Then you'll reach Colchis.
- But what gods protect you?
- None, now.
- Then you won't pass the rocks.
- What are they?
They speak for themselves,
don't they?
All l can offer you is this.
lt's not much reward for what
you've done, but it's all l have.
lf that's all you can tell us,
then goodbye.
May the gods be merciful to you.
Phineas, from now on,
they'll eat the scraps you leave.
Good appetite.