23, red, odd and passe.
- You're hateful!
- Forgive me.
- Now lend it to me.
- What number?
- Seventeen.
- Why?
Don't argue. Give!
30,000 on 17.
Nine, red, odd and manque.
Let's go.
- What a dope I am!
- We can't help it.
I get had every time.
I'll never gamble again!
You're just saying that.
Come off it.
I forced you to,
you were tired.
I was undecided.
No, you're just saying that.
Gambling is stupid.
I behaved like a lunatic.
I'm furious.
Forget it.
I'm thirsty.
Can we afford a scotch?
I've got some change.
Five, six, seven... 730 francs.
Oh, yes! 1,000.
We're saved!
- How much?
- 1,500 francs.
We can't afford another?
What will you do?
You've made me yawn, too!
I'll go and sleep.
I could go to Marijo's.
It's a bar like this.
All bars are alike.
She'd have no room
for me, anyway.
No, I'll go to the station.
- The waiting room!
- You know?
A little.
I'm really sleepy.
We'll get your bag from the
station, then go to my hotel.
I'll rent you a room.