La Baie des anges

You'll sleep better there
than on a bench...

between a cop and a soldier.
That's so nice of you!
There's no bell.
Nobody in here.
Don't wake everybody up.
I'll sleep in an armchair
in your room.

We'll save money.
Make yourself at home.
There are coat hangers.
Here's the armchair.

Do you often sleep
in strange men's rooms?

- I know you!
- I might be a con man.

What would you get out of me?
I'm broke.

As for the rest, I'm not shy.
I guessed as much.
What does it mean to "know"
somebody? I'm here with you.

I could be with another man in
another room. My husband, say.

I don't know him
better than you.

So him, you or another...
I don't care!

That the bathroom?
May I?
