La Ragazza che sapeva troppo

How was your trip? No, don't kiss me,
I have a bit of a cold.

In a few days I'll be able
to get up.

And we'll go out together.
You'll see, Rome is wonderful.

This young man is the culprit
who wants to keep me in bed.

That's because he would like
to be your chaperone.

He knew you were coming,
and he was just as anxious as I.

You have the blessing of youth.

I try to be strong,
but you know how it is at my age.

Now that you're here,
I'll get better. You'll see.

I don't want to frighten you,
but I'm very worried.

Try to keep her calm.
Her heart rate is very high.

I have to go now.
By the way...
there's a cardiotonic by her bed.
Give it to her if necessary.

If she shows symptoms of apnea...
has trouble breathing, I mean...

or if she's in pain,
call me right away.

I'll be at the hospital.
Here's my number.

It's not far from here.
Go down the steps from
Trinità dei Monti and turn right.

But that won't be necessary,
will it?

Let's hope not.
Everything will be fine.
But feel free to call me,
even if you're just worried.

Good night.
