Le Petit soldat

Go tomorrow.
I can't do it now!
GirIs Iike Iots of chit-chat.
Is it that Danish gaI?
Yes. You know her?
MicheI toId me about her.
I bet you want to Iay her.
She has a mouth
Iike LesIie Caron.

No. I onIy screw girIs
I'm in Iove with.

I bet 5 minutes with her,
you'd be in Iove.

How much wiII you bet?
-I don't know.

If you want.
$50 that I don't faII for her.
The first time I met her...
she seemed to be right
out of a Giraudoux pIay.

KiII a guy from behind
with a gun or a knife...

but not with a bomb.
KiIIing from a distance
isn't honorabIe.

You don't know a thing.
What are you taIking about?
What are you taIking about?
LachenaI, the art prof kiIIed

His car was booby-trapped.
By whom?
The French.
What do you know about it?
You don't know what
you're taIking about.

It's irritating.
Students are aII aIike.
I know his daughter.
She's often at the ice skating

You're right. It's terribIe.
