Le Petit soldat

''Thomas the Imposter.''
Ah. Jean Cocteau.
Yes. Listen to the end.
It's wonderfuI.

''WiIIiam fIew, Ieaped,
and ran Iike a hare.

''Not hearing the shots,
he stopped...''

''turned breathIessIy.
''Then he feIt a sharp jab
in the chest.

''He feII.
''He'd become deaf
and bIind.''

'''A buIIet,' he thought.
'''I am Iost unIess
I pretend to be dead.'

''But for him, fact
and fiction were one.''

''WiIIiam Thomas was dead.''
It's beautifuI.
I'd Iike to die Iike that.
Don't worry.
Maybe you wiII. Soon.

What's gotten into you?
Because you're a pain
in the ass, big boy.

We're thinking about Saturday.
What were you doing in Annecy?
I was hoping to take
Veronica to BraziI.

I'm opening a painting gaIIery.
I was pIanning to buy
3 ModigIianis.

Lucky for me
I don't have any.

With whose money?
I'II pay it back.
We're here.
''O, days of changing fIowers...
''I recaII the rose bowers.''
Why was I obsessed
by that poem?

Turn the radio down.
You knowthat guy
who does that show?

PaIivoda on Radio Geneva?
Yeah, that's him.
There he is.
I soon reaIized they suspected
me of being a doubIe agent.

Let's go.
