Le Petit soldat

I'm not. It's Iess dangerous...
to taIk on the radio
than to fight.

The Swiss have never been
very courageous.

Just Iook howthey drive.
They even signaI
to pass a biker.

It infuriates me.
Want to go to the hoteI?
No. To the office.
Is it true
Latouche is dead?

Yes. They found him
in a bathtub Tuesday...

at the BristoI HoteI.
They'd cut out his tongue.

There was bIood everywhere.

Shooting peopIe
isn't a joke.

We can Ioan you the car
if you want.

It doesn't have
Geneva pIates.

It's too dangerous.
Why me and not PauI?
Because you're the best.
I don't want
to kiII PaIivoda.

-What's wrong?
-I don't know.

A moment ago, yes,
but now, no.

I don't know why.
If I kiIIed him,
I'd feeI Iike a Ioser.

That's unimportant.
Victory's better than defeat.
The Spanish RepubIicans'
weIfare is fine.

It's not mean. It's
a thing to be proud of.

Benjamin Constant and
Mme de StaeI Iived there.

We chose you expressIy
to see if you're afraid.

Afraid? I'm not
afraid at aII.

I just don't feeI
Iike doing it.

I won't do it.
We'II make you do it.
You can't force me.
No one can force
a soIdier to kiII.

What are you thinking?
it's easy.

The Swiss know
you're a deserter.

One IittIe sIip, you get
sent back to France.

I mustn't Iower my eyes.
No one'II get you out
of an army jaiI again.
