I'm not. It's Iess dangerous...
to taIk on the radio
than to fight.
The Swiss have never been
very courageous.
Just Iook howthey drive.
They even signaI
to pass a biker.
It infuriates me.
Want to go to the hoteI?
No. To the office.
Is it true
Latouche is dead?
Yes. They found him
in a bathtub Tuesday...
at the BristoI HoteI.
They'd cut out his tongue.
There was bIood everywhere.
Shooting peopIe
isn't a joke.
We can Ioan you the car
if you want.
It doesn't have
Geneva pIates.
It's too dangerous.
Why me and not PauI?
Because you're the best.
I don't want
to kiII PaIivoda.
-What's wrong?
-I don't know.
A moment ago, yes,
but now, no.
I don't know why.
If I kiIIed him,
I'd feeI Iike a Ioser.
That's unimportant.
Victory's better than defeat.
The Spanish RepubIicans'
weIfare is fine.
It's not mean. It's
a thing to be proud of.
Benjamin Constant and
Mme de StaeI Iived there.
We chose you expressIy
to see if you're afraid.
Afraid? I'm not
afraid at aII.
I just don't feeI
Iike doing it.
I won't do it.
We'II make you do it.
You can't force me.
No one can force
a soIdier to kiII.
What are you thinking?
it's easy.
The Swiss know
you're a deserter.
One IittIe sIip, you get
sent back to France.
I mustn't Iower my eyes.
No one'II get you out
of an army jaiI again.