KiII him, or
it'II be your turn.
Ask Jacques.
You'II kiII me.
26 is awfuIIy young
to die, IittIe prince.
If they force me, I'II kiII,
but not tiII then.
So that's what I toId them.
Let me out. So Iong.
So I can count on you?
No. I'm a pain
in the ass.
That's not funny.
What's he doing?
I feIt it was important
not to be a Ioser.
Next I phoned
the BraziIian ConsuIate...
to ask about visas for
a Frenchman and a Russian girI.
They were aIready cIosed.
I'd caII the next day.
At night, the starIit skyIine
is very moving...
both hard and mysterious...
in the Iikeness of mankind
and what goes beyond it.
She pretended not to see me.
I didn't stop.
I'd see her the next day.
Later I noticed
a car taiIing me.
I had troubIe Iosing it.