Where do you want me?
Anywhere. Doesn't matter.
Do as you pIease,
and I'II shoot.
I'II ask questions.
It'II make it easier.
You seem afraid. Why?
Yes. I'm afraid.
You don't need to be.
It's Iike being questioned
by the poIice.
She was Iess pretty
than the day before.
Yes, yes, a IittIe.
Photography is truth...
and cinema is truth
24 times a second.
Your name's Veronica what?
She didn't answer right away.
Veronica Dreyer.
You're a Finn.
No, Danish.
No. I'm Russian...
but born in Copenhagen.
Are you with your parents
in Geneva?
No. I'm aIone.
A foreigner speaking French
is IoveIy.
Where are your parents?
They were shot
during the war.
Huh. Shot by whom?
That's no concern of yours.
By the Germans?
By the Russians, then?
That doesn't concern you.
Why won't you teII me?
That's just the way it is.
HoId your hair up.
Veronica's charm was herseIf...
the faII of her shouIders...
her anxious Iook...
her secret smiIe.