It's strange. My father
was aIso shot...
on Liberation Day.
Drieu La RocheIIe
was his paI.
Don't be afraid.
Don't remain motionIess.
What wouId you Iike me
to do?
I don't know.
Whatever you want.
Light a cigarette...
take a shower.
I don't think so.
No? Why?
She turned suddenIy.
You never take showers?
I said whatever came
into my head.
I'd Iike to take shots
of you showering.
You reaIIy don't want to?
Because it's idiotic.
Afraid I'II see your body?
What do you mean,
What are you thinking
right now?
Move a bit.
Do you ever think
of death?
She Iooked so anguished.
And suddenIy I had
the extraordinary sensation...
that I was photographing Death.
Then aII became normaI again.
Have you dated Iots of boys
since coming to Geneva?
Just asking.
I bet you've posed
in a bathing suit.
No. Never.
Now what are you thinking?
Are you thinking about me?
What are you thinking
about me?
How come you won't answer?
You're afraid.