PuII your hair back.
HoId that record jacket
up over your face.
Do you beIieve in freedom?
WouId you be afraid
to kiII someone?
Oh, you annoy me.
Do you have any brothers
or sisters?
Yes. I have a brother.
What's he do?
He's in Moscow.
He's a student
at the StanisIavsky Theater.
The Russians
are aIways studying.
Russians are aIways studying.
Odd that you wanted
to be an actress.
She Iighted a cigarette
and asked why.
Actors just shuffIe aIong.
I have contempt for them.
You teII them to Iaugh...
they Iaugh.
TeII them to cry, they cry.
TeII them to crawI,
they do it.
I find that grotesque.
I don't see why.
I don't know.
They're not free peopIe.
''An actor.''
Yes. It's by KIee.
Do you Iike PauI KIee?
It's not important
how others see you...
but how you see
your own face.
Did PauI KIee say that?
No, I did.
Do you have a record?
Yes. What wouId you Iike?
Some Bach?