No. It's too Iate.
Bach's for 8:00 in the morning.
A Brandenburg at 8:00
is wonderfuI.
Too earIy.
Mozart's for 8:00
in the evening.
Beethoven's music
is very profound.
Beethoven's for midnight.
No, what we need
is some Haydn...
some good oId Joseph Haydn.
What are you thinking?
Same thing as you.
Do you know
what a test is?
It's a drawing to discover
a person's character.
I'II do one for you.
I often used this on women.
They Iove to pIay games
Iike IittIe girIs.
So you suggest pIaying
chiIdren's games.
Do anything you want,
anything at aII.
Just finish the drawing.