Did Hugh teII you about
our bet the other afternoon?
When you gave him $50?
You don't know why
I gave him $50?
You do it, too. I'd Iike
to know your thoughts...
You'II see.
''I Iove you.''
Jacques and PauI were parked
in front of the Century.
I pretended not to see them.
Veronica and I
taIked about art.
She insisted Gauguin was
a greater painter than Van Gogh.
She was obviousIy wrong.
Who's the girI?
A cover girI.
Are you staying with me
or not?
I don't know.
I don't know, Bruno.
When we Ieft CIub 58...
you remember?
You took my arm.
I shouIdn't have?
Why not?
Because it made me
want to sIeep with you.
Now you seem to be saying
that's impossibIe.
You shouIdn't give your arm
to men you don't Iike.
Good night.