My Pontiac!
You schmuck! My Pontiac!
Stop! Stop! PoIice!
It's a German song.
ShaII I transIate?
''O, radiant dawn,
''radiant dawn!''
''Too soon you announce
my death.''
''Soon the trumpets
wiII resound...''
''and then...''
''I shaII have to Ieave
this beautifuI Iife.''
7:00 in the morning.
A handfuI of snapshots taken
from around the worId...
pass by me
Iike bad dreams...
The bad dream continues.
''We entered the war
as if entering schooI.''
So began Bernanos' noveI
''HumiIiated ChiIdren.''
Fear Destroyed This CoupIe
I Iit a cigarette.
This morning I feeI
Iike a IittIe boy. Why?
Asking questions is more
important than finding answers.