We'll explain it to you.
You'll enrich your minds
by visiting foreign countries.
Then you'll become very rich.
You'll be able to have
whatever you wish.
But where's all that?
With the enemy.
You take it
from the enemy.
Not only lands and herds...
but houses, palaces,
cities, cars...
movies, dime-stores,
stations, airports...
swimming pools,
casinos, theaters...
bouquets of flowers,
arches of triumph...
cigar factories,
printing plants...
lighters, airplanes...
ladies of the world.
Freight trains.
Fountain pens,
jewelry shops...
Alfa Romeos,
Hawaiian guitars.
Splendid landscapes...
elephants, locomotives...
subway stations.
Rolls Royces, Maseratis...
women who get undressed.
Chocolate factories!
We can really have all that?