Are you finished ?
Just between the 2 of us,
what are you thinking of?
Montauban. One should never leave it !
Lovely evening, isn't it ?
How much is that gonna cost ?
2,000 FF !
Some spend, some collect !
What do you think about this ? Hey ?
Some more anchovy sandwiches !
Here's the money you're owed..
.. plus penalties !
The Volfonis tried to
have me killed, MaƮtre !
It's not their style.
Means they changed style.
When it changes, don't let
it bother you.
Would they dare come here ?
Idiots would dare anything.
That's how you can tell that they are..
Is that the right place ?
I never make mistakes !
Never !
Scotch ?
Nothing !
If they spend our doe,
there'll be trouble.
Excuse me, my good man ?
Is your boss here ?
Who ?
M. Fernand Naudin.