3 sudden deaths
in less than half an hour.
Is she gone ?
The succession is starting
rather abruptly...
Impossible !
Just like her mother.
I don't see the connection ?
The Mexicain bought it..
Her mother had this habit of
always running away.
..under instalment plan,
from a retired prosecutor.
Suzanne was raised in the gutter.
After 3 months,
a stupid accident !
At 16, she was top girl at Mme Reine's.
No connection.
A steal !
We could alert the police.
The Mexican would turn in his grave.
Call the fuzz !
Welcome, Sir,
my name is John.
Sometimes, you're really off your rocker !
Jean !
Did you see the girl ?
As usual, at 8 am.
Did you notice anything ?
Yes, luggage.
What ?
But but...
He died..
..2 hours ago.
You tell me this now !
We should have been here earlier,
we were delayed.
I can't believe it !
Some sort of disputes.
The kid goes to school
with her luggage, ..
And then...
Henri got killed.
..you find that normal ?
Go on boy..
The Volfonis ?
Ah !
..or he'll break
your dirty face !
Great help !
When the lion dies, ..
Thank you, gentlemen.
..the jackals fight over the empire.
Ah ! Yes !
Let's not ask more from the Volfonis
than from the sons of Charlemagne.
What's that ?
Ah !
The number for the cab that she took.
MaƮtre Folace. Notary public.
Yes, Sir.
Nice to meet you.
I wish it were in happier circumstances.
Your room is ready.
The Mexican called ahead.
Over there ?
You are too kind, thank you.
Yes, I carried her luggage.
3rd house.
Would be good if everything can
be settled within a day.
She's crazy !
We always say that when they leave us.
Wait, give me 5 minutes.
Were you a longtime friend
of Louis ?
Call another cab !
I don't want to be the bad guy.
Spilling the beans is not
a nice thing to do.
Mademoiselle will be sad.
In this job, breakups, ..
Taboo subject.
No faux-pas !
..reunions, it's
best not to get involved.
The deceased requested it.
One of my colleagues, specializing
in transporting men cheated upon, ..
As far as Patricia is concerned,
her dad's in perfect health..