How do you want me
to remember ?
..sentimental disappointments..
..and all medals
Except the rescuer medal.
Over there, there's nothing but
rivers, everywhere !
Full of crocodiles.
Nice medal but difficult to get
if you're not from Britanny.
Are you happy now?
Let me finish washing up !
A strange man.
Then we'll talk.
A father.
We need to have a talk.
He shares your passion for art.
Yes, uncle.
Serious matters.
Yes, uncle.
Counsel from Puvis de Chavanne...
Can I call you uncle?
Never heard of it.
He has.
Apart from that, an honest man.
Did you kill many?
With a taste for morality,
..religion and director's fees.
You know what ?
Over there, there's nothing but crocs, ..
He became vice-president..
..everywhere !
..of the International Monetary Fund !
I'm gonna go take care of your tea.
Oh !
Since firmness seems to
do you good, ..
What are you thinking about?
.. You ll do well.
Money !
Not bad, you know...
Money that's not coming in.
For 2 months, ..
..the Volfonis have not been paying.
Happy birthday to..
Tomate is more than a
month late and Théo...
..you! Happy birthday to you!
Is that a revolt ?
No, Sire. A revolution.
Happy birthday, Fernand!
Nobody pays.
Happy birthday to you!
They're gonna pocket
my niece's money ?
Looks like it.
Did the Mexican know?
Happy birthday, uncle !
No, no, certainly not.
He was a man to shoot
Happy birthday, my dear man.
And with the press, ..
..had the daughter got wind
of it, you can imagine.
Good day and happiness, sir.
Yes, and if we have to do
some killing ..
Health and Wealth.
.. I ll take care of it.
A tutor, it's not the same.
It gets guillotined just like a dad.
You are too kind.
Who's asking you to intervene ?
This was brought in..
We have Pascal.
..earlier on.
Sender :
"Volfoni Brothers".
Shall I ask him over ?
If I did not have to be back in
Avignon in 2 days, I'd say no.
Even though we kissed and made up
I'm touched.
Such a delicate gesture !
But I'm in a hurry.
It's not good to let debts
go uncollected..
It's a clock !
Listen !