- Have you lost your mind ?
You're nuts !
In the middle of the night,
through the garden?
I saw 3, there may be more.
We did not want to wake up the
whole house.
Mr Fernand,
Do we wait for them to come out?
Mademoiselle could get worried.
Siege or assault?
At that age, one can imagine.
I have no time to wait.
We needed to talk to you.
Come on, let's go !
Right !
I've seen you before.
At the Volfoni's.
They are coming.
I was on the other side.
Here they are.
Sit down, I'm eating.
- Now, ..
.. I'm really confused.
If two of us came,
there's a reason.
- What is this ?
this ?
In case you must fire in full auto.
Bastien is the son of
my father's sister.
If they all come out at the same
time , tatata... hop !
Like a direct cousin,
so to speak.
Resistance habits die hard !
You understand..
Stop these children games !
..the complication ?
No, not yet.
Are we done ?
I'm in a hurry !
Ah ! Of course !
You did not give
my references.
1st hired gun
for Volfoni !
5 years of work,
day and night..
..never a hiccup.
Can you see the problem ?
Ordinary people would
call this a dilemma.
We say :
a matter of honour.
Pascal, eh !
Between you and the Volfonis, ..
..there's gonna be some bad weather.
There it is !
If it turns into a thunderstorm, ..
..Bastien and I,
we'll be face to face, ..
.. with a gun in our hand.
Honesty commands to fire.
We could decimate our family!
I see.
Drink ?
Never between meals.
That's the rule.
Health, sobriety.
Alcohool ruins the shooting hand.
I do not blame you.
Family problems command respect.