You just hold on one minute.
I ain't no nun.
I'm nobody you can boss around. See?
I get up when I feel like getting up
and if I don't wanna work, I don't.
Now if you just pay me, I'll be gone.
You go? No. You go eat now.
- I'll get my own chow.
- Eat!
What are you doing in here?
How come she ain't got you
digging ditches and chopping wood
and moving mountains?
Please... you slow talk?
I'm sorry.
That old lady has got a mean streak.
People have got to sleep. People
have got to have some joy in living.
People gotta...
That's a Catholic breakfast.
One egg.
That old lady don't hand out grub like
she hands out orders. Can I have coffee?
Coffee? Nein.
Ve no coffee.
- Schmidt.
- Mama.
We ought to get this straightened out.
I'll deduct for the dinner...
- And what you call breakfast.
- Come! Follow me.