Why do you buy things to eat
we do not need?
Now just a minute.
You are very large on religion
but you don't know
how to accept a gift from somebody
without making them feel small.
Small! You follow?
Poor man. His feelings is hurt!
I'm not twisting your arm for any big
thank-yous, but I'm through feeling small.
I got all the patience in the world!
Then why do you work on the road gang
when you should build the chapel?
Where are the bricks?
They will come. Maybe not tonight, but
there is other things you could be busy.
Raking and planting trees.
We had this contract.
You failed to keep your part.
I failed because I put my faith in people
instead of in God!
Forget it.
It was an invisible contract anyway.
- I don't believe you any more.
- Who are you not to believe me?
Hm?! Somebody
passing through thatta way?
Me, I come 8,000 miles to this place.
You cry about a few bricks
which are not here when you want them!
Do you know what we went through
to get to this place?
You will not
stand in the way of this chapel.
No. It will be done.
Well, good luck, Charlie,
and you deal me out.
Yeah. That stuff you wear,
you think it's a uniform
that makes you some kind of cop,
laying down the law,
throwing your weight around.
You sound like one of them
old war movies. A regular Hitler!
Well, you get yourself another boy.