I'll hold onto these.
We can't trust you.
You'll sleep
with the rest of us tonight.
I sleep better when I'm alone.
You're going to work
like everyone too!
Who in the world helped you
when your brother was ill?
I put you in college
and gave you a job in my company!
That's right.
I thought you were my friend,
but you were just using me too!
Then how about these?
What eggs are those?
Turtle, the top of the line.
There's two for each, 14 in all.
You don't get any
if you're empty-handed.
I don't care,
I'm not hungry anymore.
Hey, did you eat
some of those mushrooms?
Well, I wonder...
Anyway, don't make anything for me.
Alright, I'll give you ¥10,000 each.
It's not enough.
Yesterday you charged ¥5000 each!
The market for eggs
won't last for long.
Alright... ¥200,000, okay?