but who am l
to upset your plans?
Don't you feel kind of silly?
KATHERlNE: l never feel silly.
G. W: lt's because you have
no sense of humor.
Why couldn't we sit down
in the hotel dining room...
and talk about whatever it is
you want to talk about?
Or why couldn't you just come
over to the house?
And have everybody know
that we're meeting?
Everybody knows, and what's
the difference? We're married.
That is something
l should like to change.
You know the answer, Katie.
That isn't why you sent for me.
Let's get to the rat killing.
That's just
the kind of remark...
that's always
endeared you to me.
Let us open the discussion.
Very well. Our daughter
is coming home in a few days,
or, rather, she's coming here.
lt was just
a slip of the tongue...
that made me refer
to this ugly hamlet as home.
"Our daughter." ls it so hard
to say her name? lt's Becky.
l hate that name.
Anyway, she's coming home,
and l hoped to persuade you
to let her live with me...
part of the time in the capital,
part of the time in New York,
and, of course,
Newport during the season.
You're whistling
in the wind, Katie.
lf she stays here,
she'll become just as
crude and as vulgar...
as all of this country.
And if she goes your way,
she'll be all show and no stay.
No go, Kate.
KATE: l hate you.
Oh, how l hate you!
G. W: Half the people
in the world are women.
Why does it have to be you
that stirs me?
You animal.
G. W: That's the story.
l saw your picture in the paper
at the Governor's Ball.
You were dancing
with the governor.