Are you moving back in?
Yes, but nothing has changed
except my place of residence,
and l'd be willing
to put up with savages...
rather than be denied
the company of my daughter,
and l'm proving that
by moving in here.
Mr. McLintock,
since it's my first day,
would you excuse me
if l, uh...
G. W: Go ahead.
Oh, Katherine,
this is Dev Warren.
He joined the outfit today.
DEV: Pleased, ma'am.
Thank you.
Well, how refreshing...
a polite young man here.
Where did he come from?
G. W: He's a farmer.
KATE: A farmer?
DRAGO: Well, l'll be doggone!
Kate, welcome home.
What on earth are you doing
in that idiotic-looking outfit?
And don't you dare
call me Kate.
That's my butling suit.
l'm butling for the boss.
And l'm sorry, Katherine.
That Kate kind of slipped out...
from the times l remembered
you as being nice peop... people.
Are you going to stand there...
with that stupid look
on your face...
while the hired help
insults your wife?
He's just ignorant.
He doesn't know any better
than to tell the truth.
And l can't help
this stupid look.
l started acquiring it as you
gained in social prominence.
CURLY: Mrs. McLintock, where do
you want l should put...
Put them in
the master bedroom.
Yes, but move Mr. McLintock's
things into another room.
Oh, the one back of the stairs
would be best...
so that he can't wake up
the entire household...
when he comes home every night
just before daybreak.
CURLY: Yes, ma'am.
MRS. WARREN: Oh, excuse me.
Here's your cigars,
Mr. McLintock.
l am Mrs. McLintock.
DRAGO: Kate... l mean Katherine,
this is the cook...
this is the lady
that does the cooking for us.
G. W: Mrs. Warren,
Mrs. McLintock.
KATE: How do you do.
Very pleased to meet you,
Mrs. McLintock. Very pleased.
MRS. WARREN: You see, l just
came to work here today,