Give me a whiskey!
(Ching speaking Chinese)
This turn
a ten-gallon party, boss.
We are run out of whiskey.
Well, l can take care
of that, Ching.
(Ching speaking Chinese)
YOUNG BEN: lndian!
And you still got any ideas
about asking my sister to dance,
get up, and we can do this
all over again.
JAKE: That's enough!
You fought it! lt's all over!
Quit butting in, Birnbaum!
He's a hired man,
not your son!
JAKE: Look, you fought him
fair and square!
DEV: l don't think
it was so fair and square.
Well, you want to take up
where he left off?
lf l did, you wouldn't
find it so easy.
JAKE: Now, we've had
enough of this!
YOUNG BEN: When are you going
to quit walking away?
DEV: Just as soon as we're
out of sight of the party.
A little lesson
l learned back home:
Don't fight in front of women.
Well, we're out of sight now.
DEV: So we are.
Such vulgarity.
Someone should
do something about it.
You're right. Absolutely right.