l'll just have to teach him
the same lesson.
Sorry, young feller.
(Men laughing)
FAUNTLEROY: Hate to have
to do that, young fella.
No hard feelings.
DEV: Not yet.
G. W: Not yet what?
DEV: l mean, that isn't all.
G. W: Now, wait a minute.
Fauntleroy, we're gonna
make this a fair fight.
Course we are.
Course we are, G.W.
There'll be none of this.
l wouldn't do that, G.W.
You wouldn't do...
Nooo, l wouldn't do that!
And, Dev...
l don't want you kicking
Fauntleroy in the knee.
He didn't do no such thing!
And none of this nose-twisting.
(Fauntleroy screaming)
He's all yours.
AGARD: Where are my glasses?
You all right, young feller?
Ouch! l'm all right...
if this lndian agent
will stop stepping all over me.
G.W., you was just funning me,
but l want you to know that boy
fought me a fair fight.
Well, l'm glad
to hear that, Fauntleroy.
YOUNG BEN: Where's my uncle?
Fauntleroy, what
have you been doing?
l hope my uncle
didn't bother anybody.
DEV: No bother.
G. W: l think
we'd better join the ladies...
before they get curious.
DRAGO: Fauntleroy, let's
line them all up for a do-si-do.
Jake, you think
tincture of arnica would help?
JAKE: Could be.
Used to help you.
to the medicine cabinet.