for her like a bull buffalo
at the first green-up of spring.
But what Cuthbert is panting for
is my money.
(Tsk tsk tsk)
Don't make me feel
like l'm drinking alone, ma'am.
Very well, Mr. McLintock,
if you insist.
Down the hatch!
Mr. McLintock...
l have something very important
to say to you.
Very important.
Guess it'll have to wait
till the morning.
No, it's all right.
lt's all right.
Beddy bye-bye.
Whoops... Oh!
Mrs. Warren...
Let me assist you.
Very kind.
Ooop... ooop... oop!
What's going on here?
Now, Katherine, are you going
to believe what you see...
or what l tell you?
Uh, Mrs. McLintock,
hope you won't misunderstand.
lt's the first hundred women
sitting on his lap...
that l misunderstood.
Number 101 is quite simple.
Now, G.W. McLintock,
l have something...
He's gone to sleep.