G. W: Get him one.
Let us know when you're ready.
Ladies and gentlemen...
lt is my honor to present to you
the governor of our territory,
Cuthbert H. Humphreys.
GOVERNOR: Thank you, Mayor.
My friends and citizens of this
great territory,
this is the ninth
consecutive year...
it has been my privilege
and my pleasure...
to inaugurate the McLintock
Fourth of July celebration.
Now, the first event will be
the wild horse race.
But before l fire the shot to
start the event,
l would like to say
a few modest words...
regarding my stewardship
of this great territory.
(Firecracker explodes)
Ride it, Ben!
Crush him! Crush him!
All right, Professor Birnbaum.
(Band plays)
Sheriff, here's your horse.
DRAGO: Come on,
get them all lined up.
Come here, Ching.
Now, boys,
you all know the rules.
lt's twice around the inside
and once around the outside.
First cowboy
that hits that finish line...
without busting that egg
is a winner.
And l caution you boys about
some of them eggs,
'cause some of them eggs
are last year's holdovers.