(Speaking Comanche)
Oh, McLin.
Big party.
Where's your whiskey?
Whose idea was this stunt?
Duck, doggone it,
them are real bullets.
Oh. Oh!
BUNNY: Reckon that's about
all the excitement you'd want...
for one Fourth of July, eh?
Old Puma finally got his way.
But l reckon he's riding out
his last war party.
G. W:
Well, he won't get very far.
JAKE: But one thing
still has me puzzled.
Where did they get the guns?
G. W: l was
wondering the same thing.
My kidney's been bothering me...
G. W: Bunny...
G.W.! Psst! Pssst!
(G.W. laughing)
What an idiotic joke!
Joke! Do you think that
was a joke?
Well, shut up!
Do you want everybody in town
to see me?
You look good in feathers.