Miss Marple!
This is an unexpected pleasure.
Good morning, Inspector.
Could I have
a few words with you privately?
Yes, of course. Do come in please.
Do sit down, Miss Marple, please.
Now, you're not here to tell me I've
overlooked another crime, are you?
Well, as a matter of fact, I am.
A very grave crime, one of murder.
Oh, no, not again.
This time
there is no mistake, Inspector.
Well, let's get it over with.
Who murdered who this time?
As to the murderer, that will
naturally require an investigation.
The victim is old Mr Enderby.
Enderby? He died of heart failure.
Ah, but what caused
his heart to fail so unexpectedly?
I read the doctor's report,
Miss Marple, it was not unexpected.
He had a severe heart condition.
Exactly. A very wealthy man
with a chronic heart condition.
Yes, the circumstances
are precisely the same.
I don't know what they're the same
as, but they don't add up to murder.
Surely you have read Agatha
Christie's novel, The Ninth Life?
I haven't had the pleasure.
That's why you failed
to make the connection.
Agatha Christie should be compulsory
reading for the police force.
Doom came to her victim
in the shape of a cat.
Look, Miss Marple, enough is enough.
A wealthy old gentleman
with a weak heart
had a pathological horror of cats.
What easier than for some interested
party to slip a cat into the house?
A cat that the old man
will find unexpectedly.
Yes, old Enderby
was frightened to death.
A very ingenious theory,