Good morning.
Good morning, Inspector.
Thank you.
Miss Marple, when I thought it
was you, I thought, 'No',
but it is.
- Allow me.
- Thank you.
Miss Marple, you do realise
if I didn't know you well,
I would be detaining you
for loitering with intent?
Loitering with intent to what
conceivably, Inspector?
To snoop.
- Snoop!
- That is what I said, Miss Marple.
I'm sure everyone in Milchester
wants to know how much Enderby left.
I suppose you wanted to be first?
Well, since you are alleging that
I am a tittle-tattling busybody,
I bid you good day.
Come, Mr Stringer.
Miss Marple, don't you think
you should go to the police
and tell Inspector Craddock
what you overheard?
"Tittle-tattling busybody",
I believe, were his words.
- No, yours.
- His meaning.
Well, perhaps now...
Please, after this morning, I prefer
not to mention Inspector Craddock.
Well, anyway,
no matter what he thinks
after what Mrs Lansquenet said,
at least we know we were right -