Good day.
A very good idea, Miss Marple.
I hope you have
a most enjoyable time.
Mr Enderby, Inspector Craddock.
This way, sir.
I'll be in touch.
Miss Marple,
I'm still not happy about this.
If I could be with you...
Mr Stringer, we agreed a non-rider in
this place would be conspicuous.
Besides, the police are here.
As a matter of routine,
I'd like an account of your movements
between 2pm and 4pm yesterday.
Surely you're not suggesting one of
the family put Auntie Cora down?
I'm not suggesting anything,
I'm making enquiries.
Extremely offensive ones!
I'm sorry.
I find murder offensive too.
Why would we do a dreadful thing like
that to an old woman?
Well, one suggestion that's been
put forward is... to keep her quiet.
About what?
It seems she made a statement
yesterday morning.
A statement that your uncle,
Mr Enderby, was murdered.
How did you find that out?
I think that's irrelevant, don't you?
I take it no one is denying
Mrs Lansquenet did say it?
Very well then. There is one motive.
There could be others.
May I start with you, Mr Shane?
Yes, all right,
but I can't give you an alibi,
if that's what you want.
Well, I was out riding all afternoon.