- Dear lady, feminine but practical.
- Thank you, Mr Enderby.
When I'm behind
a lady guest in jodhpurs,
I think it's a shame elegance seems
to have left the equestrian scene.
How graciously put.
Now for your preliminary canter.
Hello, George.
What are you staring at?
Come in, Rosamund.
What's so interesting there?
That old woman with Hector
found Uncle's body.
- She arrived here yesterday.
- What of it?
I don't like people
prying into my affairs.
You are nervous, aren't you? If you
see Michael, tell him I want him.
Don't go, Rosamund,
unless I make you nervous?
Why should you?
You know
how attractive I find you.
Yes, I know.
- Still only Michael?
- Of course.
It doesn't bother you
that he married you for the money?
He didn't marry me.
I was the one who decided.
I knew I wanted him
from the first moment I saw him.
- Do you always get what you want?
- Of course. I just take it.
You're a dangerous woman, Rosamund.
I hope you never want
anything of mine.
You mean like your money?
I don't at the moment.
Why were you so anxious to get it?
Did you want it that desperately?
Let's say I needed it pretty badly.
In trouble again?
What do you mean?
Clients sometimes give you money
to buy pictures, don't they?
What of it?
It's not the first time
you've borrowed some.
Shut up!
Don't get so angry. I don't care...
George, have you...
Oh hello, Rosamund.
I was looking for you.