I don't know what you mean.
Don't you? It doesn't matter.
I know when you're lying.
- I'm not lying!
- Of course you're lying.
Like you lied
about where you were
when you went to see Uncle
on the day he died.
How did you know that?
I know everything about you.
I don't like having my movements
checked up on.
I mean that! Don't push me too far!
I like to know.
Did you think your fatal charm
might loosen his purse strings?
Something like that.
- Didn't they?
- No.
- That's all?
- Of course that's all.
Then why not say so?
After what happened,
people might think...
They might think
that Aunt Cora was right.
Yes, they might think that.
How's the foot now?
As well as can be expected
after being stepped on.
- I'll help you.
- That's not necessary.
I insist, Mr Enderby, and that boot
must come off immediately.
All right, Black Jack. Whoa.
Come on, Black Jack.
Easy, boy. Easy, boy.
Is he all right?
- Well done.
- I can manage now thank you.
I wouldn't dream of such a thing.
Come along, leg up.
Don't trouble yourself.
No trouble... and the longer you
wait, the worse the swelling will be.
I'll stand the whole thing
in cold water for an hour.
Useless, Mr Enderby.
Boot up.
This may hurt a little when I pull,
but be brave... be brave.