Murder at the Gallop

Hey, who's there? Open up!
Let me out!
Help! Help!
Stop that infernal row.
Turn the engine off.

Steady. Steady, boy. Steady.
What on earth's going on here? What's
the matter with Black Jack?

Black Jack's all right.
He's all right.

- There was someone in there.
- What?

There was someone in there.
Mr Crossfield, sir. He's dead.
- Where were you, sir?
- I was upstairs in my room.

And you, madam?
I was fast asleep, Inspector.
So you were all in your rooms...
:59:23 of you wasn't!
Whoever locked that stable door and
turned that motor on is a murderer.

Until I get to the bottom of this
situation, none of you are to leave.

That will be quite impossible.
I must insist. My men will be here to
see those orders are carried out.

You will ruin me.
I can't have police...

- You can and you will.
- Tonight is our annual dance.
