and the best thing we thought of
was that time in Maine.
- And we saw the yellow house in Beulah.
- Yes!
And we peered in through the windows,
and wasn't it beautiful?
- And nobody lived there.
- Hey, that was years ago.
- You're wild.
- I remember it.
- You weren't even born.
- Oh, stop interrupting.
- Your entire lives are about to change.
- Go on, Nancy.
Well, Mother, a couple of weeks ago,
I decided that I'd try to find out
about that house.
So I wrote to the postmaster in Beulah,
and he answered.
His name is Ossian Popham.
Isn't it a beautiful name?
Anyway, he's the agent for Mr. Hamilton,
who owns the house,
who's miles away in China or somewhere.
Probably an old missionary
or remittance man in disgrace or...
- Could I see Mr. Popham's letter?
- It's all right, Mother. I...
- Nancy...
- Well...
"The pitiful plight of your good self
and your little ones..."
Oh, Mother, read the last page.
"Beulah is brimming over
with fresh milk for your baby boy..."
Who's a baby?
"...so there's no need for him
to be blue with rickets." Nancy!
The important part's
on the last page. Look.
It says the yellow house is vacant
and Mr. Hamilton would be glad to rent
it to a deserving family like ours
for a mere $60 a year.
And he has the right to decide,
'cause he's not only the postmaster,
but Mr. Hamilton's trusted friend,
his factotum, power attorney.
- Slow down, Nancy.
- Oh, think of living in the country.
No storage bills. All our things
will fit into the yellow house.
We'll be self-supporting.
Chickens. Fresh eggs.
Vegetables from the garden. Air. Space.
Honest toil!
- Can we, Mother? Can we?
- Oh, please, Mother.
But, Mother,
my school's here and my friends.
- Beulah's a hick town.
- Abraham Lincoln came from a hick town.
Your father loved you so,
and he wanted so much for you.