They got you bewitched and I know why.
You wore out in the people in this town
with your stories
and now you got new ears
to listen to you.
But you'll be bewitcheder
when Mr. Hamilton lands back in Beulah
some fine day and wants his house back.
I'm warning you, Mr. Popham.
If you don't get a letter from him soon,
I'm gonna take matters
into my own hands.
Mariah, your pot's boiling over.
What do you mean, I owe you $1.25?
All I know is, I cut five heads.
All I know is, I got four kids.
One, two, three, four.
Maybe so, but I cut five heads.
You trying to tell me
one of my son's got two heads?
I seen and cut five.
Maybe you better get yourself
a pair of spectacles.
I sent four in, and I'm picking up four.
- All right. Forget it.
- Into the wagon, boys.
- How many heads did he cut, Peter?
- Five.
How am I going to get a job in this town
if people think I'm a girl?
Oh, so you're going to look for work.
I'm the only boy in the family
that's not working.
That puts
a different complexion on things.
You see,
you got on a handsome city outfit.
It's too good to work in.
A man hiring you might get the idea
that maybe you wouldn't buckle down.
- Oh, I'll buckle down.
- Why, of course you will.
So... maybe we ought to arrange
for a little swap.
I've been looking for a Buster Brown
suit just about that size.
So if you'd consider swapping it
for a pair of overalls to work in...