But if you get out early in the morning
and don't come in nights
till my light goes out,
you can always sleep with me.
Go to sleep now.
What a charming place, I don't think.
- What's wrong with it?
- Why, everything!
If one must have Maine,
why not Bar Harbor?
This place is truly primitive.
- Sure is.
- Practically unsettled.
Of course, we don't see
too many Indians nowadays.
But there's plenty of wildlife.
What kind of wildlife?
Oh, the usual.
Not too many moose. Some wild cats.
- Lots of bears.
- And the ordinary small stuff.
A wolf or two. Fox. Skunks.
- Snakes?
- Oh, naturally.
But only about one out of ten
is poisonous.
So when we get bit we just have whiskey.
Even Peter.
Goodness, don't they even fix the roads
in this backwoods place?
These aren't roads.
Just wilderness trails.
Rapids ahead! Hold tight!
Maybe we'll make it!
Hello, Peter. Let me out of this thing.
- She's not knock-kneed, Nancy.
- Shh!